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مقاله لاتین - بررسی انجماد جهت دار آلیاژهای روی - آلومینیوم
فروشنده فایل
فروشنده فایل : 3182

مقاله لاتین - بررسی انجماد جهت دار آلیاژهای روی - آلومینیوم

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مقاله لاتین - بررسی انجماد جهت دار آلیاژهای روی - آلومینیوم Abstract Directional growth of Zn-Al alloys of different concentration was carried out by using a Bridgmann like apparatus. The compositions of studied systems were a) dilute Zn-0,5 wt.%Al, below the maximum solubility limit, b) hypo-eut

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تعداد مشاهده: 13 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:PDF

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تعداد صفحات: 8

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  • مقاله لاتین - بررسی انجماد جهت دار آلیاژهای روی - آلومینیوم
    Study of directional solidification of Zn-Al alloys

    Directional growth of Zn-Al alloys of different concentration was carried out by using a Bridgmann like apparatus. The
    compositions of studied systems were a) dilute Zn-0,5 wt.%Al, below the maximum solubility limit, b) hypo-eutectic Zn-
    2 and 4 %wt. Al, and c) hyper-eutectic Zn-8wt.% Al. Proper metallographic analysis of the segregation patterns behind
    the solid-liquid (S-L) interface gives information about the effect of the local solidification conditions to obtain different
    microstructures. It was found that the dilute alloy grows in a similar fashion than other alloys with atomistically rough
    interfaces. For alloys with composition above the maximum solubility limit, it was found that a single primary phase
    grows surrounded by liquid eutectic. In the case of hypo-eutectic alloys, a dendritic hcp primary phase is formed, whilst
    for hyper-eutectic alloys, the primary phase is an fcc Al-rich dendrite. In both cases, a secondary interface for eutectic
    solid-liquid is formed below the dendrite tips, in such a way the eutectic seems to growth independently of the primary

    برچسب ها: مقاله لاتین - بررسی انجماد جهت دار آلیاژهای روی - آلومینیوم

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