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دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device the Instruction Set and the Addressing Mode
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دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device the Instruction Set and the Addressing Mode

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دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes فرمت فایل : پاورپوینت قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید: 50 قسمتی از پاورپوینت : •FIR filter on ADPS-21x DSP Requirements •Fast Multiply-Accumulates (Data-path) • Extended Precision Accumulator R

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تعداد مشاهده: 122 مشاهده

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  • دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device, the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes
    فرمت فایل : پاورپوینت
    قابل ویرایش
    تعداد اسلاید: 50

    قسمتی از پاورپوینت :

    •FIR filter on ADPS-21x

    DSP Requirements
    •Fast Multiply-Accumulates (Data-path)
    • Extended Precision Accumulator Register (Data-path)
    • Dual Operand Fetch (Memory)
    • Circular Buffering (Addressing)
    • Zero-Overhead Looping (Instruction set)

    Analog Devices Architectures and Programming
    •Performance Optimization

    •FIR filter steps

    Obtain a sample with the ADC; generate an interrupt
    Detect and manage the interrupt
    Move the sample into the input signal's circular buffer
    Update the pointer for the input signal's circular buffer
    Zero the accumulator
    Control the loop through each of the coefficients
    Fetch the coefficient from the coefficient's circular buffer
    Update the pointer for the coefficient's circular buffer
    Fetch the sample from the input signal's circular buffer
    Update the pointer for the input signal's circular buffer
    Multiply the coefficient by the sample
    Add the product to the accumulator
    Move the output sample (accumulator) to a holding buffer
    Move the output sample from the holding buffer to the DAC

    •FIR filter on ADPS-21x

    DSP Requirements
    •Fast Multiply-Accumulates (Data-path)
    • Extended Precision Accumulator Register (Data-path)
    • Dual Operand Fetch (Memory)
    • Circular Buffering (Addressing)
    • Zero-Overhead Looping (Instruction set)

    Analog Devices Architectures and Programming
    •Performance Optimization

    برچسب ها: دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes Architectural Analysis of a DSP Device the Instruction Set and the Addressing Modes دانلود پاورپوینت Architectural Analysis of a DSP Modes دان

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