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پاورپوینت Introduction to Neural Networks
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پاورپوینت Introduction to Neural Networks

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پاورپوینت Introduction to Neural Networks نوع فایل: پاورپوینت قابل ویرایش 19 اسلاید Why ANN Some tasks can be done easily (effortlessly) by humans but are hard by conventional paradigms on Von Neumann machine with algorithmic approach Pattern recognition (old friends, hand-written characters)

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  • پاورپوینت Introduction to Neural Networks

    نوع فایل: پاورپوینت

    قابل ویرایش 19 اسلاید

    Why ANN

    Some tasks can be done easily (effortlessly) by humans but are hard by conventional paradigms on Von Neumann machine with algorithmic approach

    Pattern recognition (old friends, hand-written characters)

    Content addressable recall

    Approximate, common sense reasoning (driving, playing piano, baseball player)

    These tasks are often ill-defined, experience based, hard to apply logic

    Von Neumann machine


    One or a few high speed (ns) processors with considerable computing power

    One or a few shared high speed buses for communication

    Sequential memory access by address

    Problem-solving knowledge is separated from the computing component

    Hard to be adaptive

    Human Brain   


    Large # (1011) of low speed processors (ms) with limited computing power

    Large # (1015) of low speed connections

    Content addressable recall (CAM)

    Problem-solving knowledge resides in the connectivity of neurons

    Adaptation by changing the connectivity


    برچسب ها: پاورپوینت Introduction to Neural Networks Introduction to Neural Networks پاورپوینت Introduction to Networks پاورپوینت Neural Networks Neural Networks

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