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حل تمرین کامل متلب matlab شبکه عصبی مارتین هاگان martin hagan
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حل تمرین کامل متلب matlab شبکه عصبی مارتین هاگان martin hagan

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  • این فایل شامل 129, M file متلب می باشد . 

    % nnd - Splash screen.
    % nndtoc - Table of contents.
    % nnsound - Turn Neural Network Design sounds on and off.
    % poslin - Positive linear tranfer function.

    Chapter 2

    , Neuron Model and Network Architectures
    % nnd2n1 - One-input neuron demonstration.+
    % nnd2n2 - Two-input neuron demonstration.+
    % Chapter 3, An Illustrative Example
    % nnd3pc - Perceptron classification demonstration.+
    % nnd3hamc - Hamming classification demonstration.+
    % nnd3hopc - Hopfield classification demonstration.+

    Chapter 4

    , Perceptron Learning Rule
    % nnd4db - Decision boundaries demonstration.+
    % nnd4pr - Perceptron rule demonstration.+

    Chapter 5

    , Signal and Weight Vector Spaces
    % nnd5gs - Gram-Schmidt demonstration.
    % nnd5rb - Reciprocal basis demonstration.

    Chapter 6

    , Linear Transformations for Neural Networks
    % nnd6lt - Linear transformations demonstration.
    % nnd6eg - Eigenvector game.

    Chapter 7

    , Supervised Hebbian Learning
    % nnd7sh - Supervised Hebb demonstration.

    Chapter 8

    , Performance Surfaces and Optimum Points
    % nnd8ts1 - Taylor series demonstration #1.
    % nnd8ts2 - Taylor series demonstration #2.
    % nnd8dd - Directional derivatives demonstration.
    % nnd8qf - Quadratic function demonstration.

    Chapter 9

    , Performance Optimization
    % nnd9sdq - Steepest descent for quadratic function demonstration.
    % nnd9mc - Method comparison demonstration.
    % nnd9nm - Newton's method demonstration.
    % nnd9sd - Steepest descent demonstration.

    Chapter 10

    , Widrow-Hoff Learning
    % nnd10nc - Adaptive noise cancellation demonstration.+
    % nnd10eeg - Electroencephelogram noise cancellation demonstration.+
    % nnd10lc - Linear pattern classification demonstration.+

    Chapter 11

    , Backpropagation
    % nnd11nf - Network function demonstration.+
    % nnd11bc - Backpropagation calculation demonstration.*
    % nnd11fa - Function approximation demonstration.*
    % nnd11gn - Generalization demonstration.*

    Chapter 12

    , Variations on Backpropagation
    % nnd12sd1 - Steepest descent backpropagation demonstration #1.*
    % nnd12sd2 - Steepest descent backpropagation demonstration #2.*
    % nnd12mo - Momentum backpropagation demonstration.*
    % nnd12vl - Variable learning rate backpropagation demonstration.*
    % nnd12ls - Conjugate gradient line search demonstration.*
    % nnd12cg - Conjugate gradient backpropagation demonstration.*
    % nnd12ms - Maquardt step demonstration.*
    % nnd12m - Marquardt backpropagation demonstration.*

    Chapter 13,

    Associative Learning
    % nnd13uh - Unsupervised Hebb demonstration.+
    % nnd13edr - Effects of decay rate demonstration.+
    % nnd13hd - Hebb with decay demonstration.+
    % nnd13gis - Graphical instar demonstration.+
    % nnd13is - Instar demonstration.+
    % nnd13os - Outstar demonstration.+

    Chapter 14

    , Competitive Networks
    % nnd14cc - Competitive classification demonstration.+
    % nnd14cl - Competitive learning demonstration.+
    % nnd14fm1 - 1-D Feature map demonstration.*
    % nnd14fm2 - 2-D Feature map demonstration.*
    % nnd14lv1 - LVQ1 demonstration.*
    % nnd14lv2 - LVQ2 demonstration.*

    Chapter 15

    , Grossberg Network
    % nnd15li - Leaky integrator demonstration.
    % nnd15sn - Shunting network demonstration.
    % nnd15gl1 - Grossberg layer 1 demonstration.
    % nnd15gl2 - Grossberg layer 2 demonstration.
    % nnd15aw - Adaptive weights demonstration.

    Chapter 16

    , Adaptive Resonance Theory
    % nnd16al1 - ART1 layer 1 demonstration.
    % nnd16al2 - ART1 layer 2 demonstration.
    % nnd16os - Orienting subsystem demonstration.
    % nnd16a1 - ART1 algorithm demonstration.

    Chapter 17

    , Stability
    % nnd17ds - Dynamical system demonstration.
    % Chapter 18, Hopfield Network
    % nnd18hn - Hopfield network demonstration.
    % + Requires MININNET functions or the Neural Network Toolbox.
    % * Requires the Neural Network Toolbox.

    برچسب ها: martin hagan مارتین هاگان متلب matlab شبکه عصبی neural network حل تمرین متلب ۱۷ فصل

به ما اعتماد کنید

تمامي كالاها و خدمات اين فروشگاه، حسب مورد داراي مجوزهاي لازم از مراجع مربوطه مي‌باشند و فعاليت‌هاي اين سايت تابع قوانين و مقررات جمهوري اسلامي ايران است.
این سایت در ستاد سازماندهی ثبت شده است.

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