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تحقیقDepression روش تحقيق مقاله اى
فروشنده فایل
فروشنده فایل : 3179

تحقیقDepression روش تحقيق مقاله اى

فایل تحقیقDepression روش تحقيق مقاله اى با فرمت .doc برای شما کاربر محترم آماده دریافت و دانلود می باشد

دانلود ورد با موضوع تحقیق روش تحقيق مقاله اى دارای 23 صفحه و با فرمت .doc و قابل ویرایش و آماده برای ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس می باشدتعداد صفحه : 23 صفحهفرمت فایل: ورد .doc و قابل ویرایشآماده برای : ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس

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  • دانلود ورد با موضوع تحقیق روش تحقيق مقاله اى دارای 23 صفحه و با فرمت .doc و قابل ویرایش و آماده برای ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس می باشد.


    تعداد صفحه : 23 صفحه
    فرمت فایل: ورد .doc و قابل ویرایش
    آماده برای : ارائه ، چاپ ، تحقیق و کنفرانس


    قسمتی از متن نمونه:

    Vincent van Gogh, who himself suffered from depression and committed suicide, painted this picture in 1890 of a man that can symbolize the desperation and hopelessness felt in depression.
    1 History 
    2 Prevalence 
    3 Diagnosis 
    o 3.1 Symptoms 
    o 3.2 Mnemonics 
    4 Types of depression 
    o 4.1 Major clinical depression 
    o 4.2 Other categories of depression 
    5 The role of anxiety in depression 
    o 5.1 Anxiety 
    o 5.2 Hypomania 
    6 Causes of depression 
    7 Treatment 
    o 7.1 Medication 
    o 7.2 Dietary supplements 
    o 7.3 Augmentor drugs 
    o 7.4 Psychotherapy 
    o 7.5 Transcranial magnetic stimulation 
    o 7.6 Vagus nerve stimulation 
    o 7.7 Electroconvulsive therapy 
    o 7.8 Other methods of treatment 
    7.8.1 Light therapy 
    7.8.2 Exercise 
    7.8.3 Meditation 
    o 7.9 Deep brain stimulation 
    o 7.10 Archaic methods 
    o 7.11 Self medication 
    8 Adverse reactions 
    9 Relapse 
    10 Social attitudes towards depression 
    o 10.1 Employment 
    o 10.2 Mental health stigma  
    13 Sources 

    The modern idea of depression appears similar to the much older concept of melancholia. The name melancholia derives from "black bile", one of the "four humours" postulated by Galen.
    Clinical depression was originally considered to be a chemical imbalance in transmitters in the brain, a theory based on observations made in the 1950s of the effects of reserpine and isoniazid in altering monoamine neurotransmitter levels and affecting depressive symptoms.[1] Since these suggestions, many other causes for clinical depression have been proposed.
    Clinical depression affects about 16%[2] of the population on at least one occasion in their lives. In some countries, such as Australia, one in four women and one in eight men will suffer from depression. The mean age of onset, from a number of studies, is in the late 20s. About twice as many females as males report or receive treatment for clinical depression, though this imbalance is shrinking over the course of recent history; this difference seems to completely disappear after the age of 50 - 55, when most females have passed the end of menopause. It should be noted that these numbers are only for those who report or receive treatment for depression; men are less likely to report feeling depressed, and also less likely to seek treatment, possibly due to gender roles[citation needed]. Clinical depression is currently the leading cause of disability in North America as well as other countries, and is expected to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide (after heart disease) by the year 2020, according to the World Health Organization.[3]
    A diagnosis is made when an individual meets a sufficient number of the symptom criteria for the depression spectrum as suggested in the DSM-IV-TR or ICD-9/ICD-10. An individual is often seen to suffer from what is termed as a "clinical depression" without fully meeting the various criteria advanced for a specific diagnosis on the depression spectrum. Possible causes of depression are not taken into account in diagnosis, unless it may be due to an existing medical condition.
    It is important to understand that there is no blood test or brain scan for depression. Therefore the term "clinical depression" can be misleading to those who erroneously believe that there is a medical test for this disorder. Laboratory tests can provide medical data for diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, but currently not for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

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