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دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO
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دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO

فایل دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO با فرمت pptx برای شما کاربر محترم آماده دریافت و دانلود می باشد

دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO نوع فایل: power point فرمت فایل: pptx قابل ویرایش تعداد اسلاید : 18 صفحه قسمتی از پاورپوینت : Each path followed by an ant represents a candidate solution to the target problem An ant constructs its path (candidate

دسته بندی: عمومی » گوناگون

تعداد مشاهده: 11 مشاهده

فرمت فایل دانلودی:pptx

فرمت فایل اصلی: pptx

تعداد صفحات: 18

حجم فایل:116 کیلوبایت

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  • دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO
    نوع فایل: power point

    فرمت فایل: pptx

    قابل ویرایش

    تعداد اسلاید : 18 صفحه

    قسمتی از پاورپوینت :

    Each path followed by an ant represents a candidate solution to the target problem
    An ant constructs its path (candidate solution) incrementally, typically by adding one component at a time to the solution
    The amount of pheromone that an ant deposits on its path is proportional to the quality of the corresponding candidate solution
    When an ant has to choose between alternative paths, the larger the amount of pheromone on a path, the larger the probability of the ant choosing that path
    An appropriate representation of the problem
    components that an ant will use to incrementally construct a solution
    A problem-dependent heuristic function () that measures the quality of each component that can be added to a solution
    A rule for updating the amount of pheromone () associated with each component in a path followed by an ant
    Pheromone increases in proportion to quality of the path (solution)
    A probabilistic transition rule: the probability of choosing a component i is proportional to the product i  i
    In a data network each data packet can follow a different route
    E.g., the Internet
    Problem: to find the fastest (minimum cost) path between two nodes, using routing tables at each node of the network
    This is a difficult problem because:
    Traffic load varies (potentially a lot) with time, in unpredictable ways
    Network topology also varies with time (e.g. links break down)
    The problem involves distributed processing – no central coordinator
    All these characteristics suggest that ant colony algorithms are a suitable type of algorithm for this problem

    برچسب ها: دانلود پاورپوینت Ant Colony Optimisation applications Comparing PSO and ACO

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